Regardless of how hard you try and make oneself believe that what you currently have is great sufficient for your need to have, you can find nevertheless several more goods come along within the market. So there will probably be several concerns building up within your mind, are they great sufficient? That is the best? Is it challenging to make use of? Can I afford? Based on that reality, we proudly present you our Night Owl iGEN 20/20 Day/Night Vision Monocular (3x) That is the smartest and best initial selection that every person should pick. And you are going to never ever regret it soon after. Because we're very concentrate on your demand and top quality of our product. Not only that, we also hardly pay attention on the functional and appearance too. Our Night Owl iGEN 20/20 Day/Night Vision Monocular (3x) will be the most careful technologies. And also combine the most intelligent method that's extremely simple to function. However, the most durability is included.
From this moment on you are going to not been bothered with the challenging function any longer. We had been developing and generating this outstanding product for you and your house. Do not invest any more time to vacillate to acquire our product into your house. There is no doubt that our Night Owl iGEN 20/20 Day/Night Vision Monocular (3x) will increase your living life style to produce your house closer towards the fantasy residence where you had been dreaming to live in for ages. Your dream living life-style is just not out of reach anymore.
Make sure that you're adding our Night Owl to become the very first selection of one's residence improvement list. we're sure that purchasing our product is your best selection for you and your love residence.
Click here to read more about the Night Owl iGEN 20/20 Day/Night Vision Monocular (3x) full review
Customer Rating : View Customer RatingsList Price : $699.00
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With a 2.6x image magnification and an ambient light amplification of 650 times, the Night Owl Optics(r) iGen(tm) 20/20 day/night vision monocular doesn't just deliver night vision; it gets you closer to your targets. The variable frame rate contains a user adjustable exposure time to enhance light-gathering capability, and the infrared intelligence has 3 different modes with automatically adjusting wattages for varying levels of darkness.
- Proprietary iGEN technology is the future of night vision; surpasses Gen 2 and Gen 3
- Light amplification adjustable from 300x to 10,000x
- Variable Frame Rate (2 fps to 30fps); 3 modes of infrared intelligence
- Enhanced infrared sensitivity; double the sensitivity of intensifier tube technology
- This item is restricted for sale to the state of California and outside the US
Night Owl iGEN 20/20 Day/Night Vision Monocular (3x) Specifications
The iGEN 20/20 Day/Night Vision Monocular is more than just a night vision viewer--it's a highly sophisticated monocular with 3x magnification and proprietary iGEN technology that allows you to experience the future of night vision. Featuring light amplification adjustable from 300x to 10,000x, a variable frame rate, and 3 modes of infrared intelligence, the Night Owl iGen has enhanced infrared sensitivity that doubles the sensitivity of intensifier tube technology and video composite output allows for direct recording to external device with use of a composite video cable.Features:
- iGEN Night Vision Viewer
- Proprietary iGEN technology is the future of night vision; surpasses Gen 2 and Gen 3
- Light amplification adjustable from 300x to 10,000x
- Variable Frame Rate (2 fps to 30fps)
- 3 modes of infrared intelligence
- Wattage adjusts automatically as needed for varying levels of darkness
- Enhanced infrared sensitivity; double the sensitivity of intensifier tube technology
- Video composite output for direct recording to external device with use of a composite video cable (RCA cable)
- Works day or night
- Prorgrammable time-out features
- Color output choices
- Infrared start-off option
- Magnification: 2.6x
- Angle of View: 12 �
- Resolution: 30 lp/mm (edge-to-edge)
- Power: 4 AA batteries
- Range of View: 16 to infinity
- Tripod mount
How Night Vision Works:
Available light is gathered by the front Objective Lens, where it is transmitted through a set of optical lenses to the Electronic Intensifier Tube (E.I.T.). High levels of energy, produced by the device's complex power supply, knock out electrons from the Photocathode Screen, located on the front of the Electronic Intensifier Tube. This same energy creates a highly static field, pushing the electrons to the Phosphorescent Screen, a sensitive layer, located on the back of the EIT. These electrons strike the Phosphorescent Screen with great speed, causing the screen to illuminate. This process produces an image, which is then magnified by the Ocular Lens located at the back of the device. By looking through the ocular lens you will see the image as if you just looked through a regular optical device, except the image will appear in a monochrome green color. Finally, the Ocular Lens provides adjustment for your particular eyesight, while the Objective Lens lets you adjust the focus according to the distance of the object you are viewing.
Click here to read the Night Owl iGEN 20/20 Day/Night Vision Monocular (3x) full review & best price
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